EP:17 - Mystery Road

In this episode of Luke Who’s Watching, I’m going to talk about Mystery Road.
Mystery Road, is an Australian franchise consisting of two films. Mystery Road and Goldstone, plus a spin-off series also called Mystery Road and more recently a prequel titled Mystery Road: Origin.
To start off with, I’ve not seen the two films, so my thoughts will be based mainly on the first two series of the TV show, as I recently watched them from start to finish.
The series follows indigenous detective Jay Swan who is superbly played by Aaron Pedersen, as he solves various crimes in remote outback communities. They dynamic Detective Swan has between the local community and his colleagues is rather interesting, he’s somewhat at odds with both sides. He’s not really apart of the indigenous community because ‘he’s a copper’ but he’s also not really apart of the law enforcement community because he’s aboriginal.
I could write a lot more about Mystery Road, the ensemble cast and performances are great, the locations and cinematography is superb and Mystery Road is a great showcase for Australian Film and TV production, in my opinion.
If you can, id urge you to try and seek the series out and give at least one episode a watch and if you don’t like it, don’t continue watching it.
5/5 Toilet Rolls.
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